find your truth. tell your story.
The time is now.
commission your energetic battery
the painting.
More powerful than any vision board.
restore your power. your joy. your truth.
We all have them.
The dreams never voiced. The what-ifs never realized. The wonder disciplined out of us.
What if you could…
…delve into the mystery of your inner world?
…unearth the platinum nuggets of your wisdom?
…awaken to your heart’s desire?
What if your soul’s longing came alive as your Sacred StoryScape™?
Schedule your complimentary consultation session today to get started.
how it works
the discovery
Uncover your life’s dream during private 1:1 sessions in my studio or zoom. We will then anoint your canvas with words and oils.
the painting
From our sessions, I intuit the visuals and composition for the painting and create from that divine inspiration.
the receiving
You receive the finished work during a sacred dedication ritual and we commemorate your new beginning.
“My Sacred StoryScape™ shows how the emerging colors of my truth are incorporated in my heart, soul and spirit. This work of Art, my Sacred StoryScape™ is a milestone on my journey...a work of art to remind me of who I am, where I have been and all the possibilities ahead of me.”
Colleen L, Collector
dream it. live it. own it.
the details.
Reveal your dreams. Create your affirmation.
sacred discovery
In these sessions, we sit together and uncover your deepest desires. What you have always imagined for your life, but maybe too afraid to voice.
I think of this as a spiritual direction meets executive coaching, heavy on the inspiration.
We invite your True Self & allow the unfolding.
Inspired words to light the way.
The creative act. Embedded energy.
sacred painting
We meet and jointly anoint your canvas in a ceremony of rebirth and renewal.
I then keep the canvas, and during a series of meditative sessions birth the image through my paint brush, rooting the energy of love, compassion and truth with each stroke.
Color, mark and form come to life.
divinely inspired.
sacred receiving
Once completed, I hand over the finished painting, your Sacred StoryScape.
You are invited to linger with your art, to feel the engrained energy in this divinely co-created work of art.
The message is yours.
The painting, meant for you alone.
Remember who you are.
schedule your complimentary session today
let’s get started.
an invitation
I am now showing in Asheville’s River Arts District:
As I am not always there, I invite you to email me regarding purchasing any of these original paintings.
Another option? Let’s discuss a custom commissioned Sacred StoryScape of your very own!